WIPO and NCIP discussed the role of Belarus in the WIPO Research on Intellectual Property and Innovation in the Global Economy

1 july 2020


On June 30, 2020, a meeting concerning participation of the Republic of Belarus in the global study of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on intellectual property and innovation in the global economy was held in a video conference format.

The event was attended by WIPO experts – Mr. Julio Raffo, Head of the Innovative Economics Section, Mr. Ilya Gribkov, Head of the Section for Caucasian, Central Asian and Eastern European Countries, as well as representatives of the National Center of Intellectual Property (NCIP) – Mr. Aliaksandr Zayats, Deputy Director General, and other heads of NCIP structural units.

The WIPO Secretariat tentatively defined the following theme for 2020-2021 research – “Exploring the evolution of local innovation ecosystems in developing countries”.

WIPO expressed its readiness to conduct a study on Belarus focusing on innovation centers in Minsk and Zhodino. The study is supposed to reflect the way these hotspots are integrated in global production networks, as well as the level of their interaction with other regional innovation centers.

During the meeting, the main mechanisms for further work and cooperation with WIPO experts were defined.

Photo: NCIP