NCIP took part in the conference held in the honor of the 50th anniversary of the graduate school of the RSAIP

28 october 2021


On October 28, 2021, the 3rd International Conference of Young Scientists “Intellectual Property: A Look into the Future” was held online, devoted to the 50th anniversary of the graduate school at the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RSAIP).

Deputy Director General of the National Center of Intellectual Property (NCIP) Aliaksandr Zayats took part in the plenary session of the conference “Role of Science in the Innovative Social Development”.

Additionally, a felicitation letter on behalf of the Director General of the NCIP Uladzimir Rabavolau was sent to RSAIP.

In his letter, the Director General of the NCIP extended congratulations to the staff of the RSAIP and its Head Alexandra Arakelova on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the graduate school and stressed the NCIP high appreciation of the existing level of bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation in the field of intellectual property and his hope to strengthen it in the future. According to Mr. Rabavolau, the organization has done a lot for the development of the national, regional and international intellectual property system.

Aliaksandr Zayats as well had his speech within the second thematic section “Time for New IP Opportunities in Context of Globalization” with a report on “Prospects for Legalizing Parallel Imports in the EAEU”.