Expanding technology parks opportunities to commercialize IP results in EAPO member states

14 march 2023


On March 14-15, 2023, in Astana (Republic of Kazakhstan), the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) together with the World Intellectual Property Organization is holding a seminar for technoparks participating in a pilot project on enhancing technopark capabilities in the commercialization of the results of intellectual activities in EAPO member states. The seminar is devoted to the issues of effective management of rights and licensing in the field of intellectual property (IP).

The Republican Innovation Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Technological Park BNTU "Polytechnik" and the "Minsk City Technopark" Ltd. participate in the project from the Republic of Belarus.

During the event the participants will discuss challenges and opportunities of creating a legal framework for IP management in technoparks; the success story of Belgrade Incubator and Technopark and some other issues.

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