A new series of the intellectual property cartoon is now released

13 june 2020


A new series of the cartoon “IP Stories: Stories from History” is dedicated to the invention of the steam engine and one of the first cases of “patent trolling”.

The purpose of the entertaining and educational project “IP Stories: Stories from History” is to draw public attention to the intellectual property sphere using the most striking episodes of world history and to explain the mechanism of laws regulating this area in a simple language. In the manner of humorous narrative on behalf of the IPChain Association's corporate character – Gorynych, the viewer is given the opportunity to change the way he perceived well-known facts from the biography of great scientists and inventors, as well as to understand creative, scientific and legal dilemmas that have not lost their relevance. In total, it is planned to release 30 three-minute episodes about the world's largest discoveries.

The first series, about the quarantine period in Pushkin’s life and work and the “inventor” of the steam engine James Watt, are available on the official platforms of the Prophet Integrated Communications Solutions Agency on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, as well as on the official communication channels of the IPQuorum brand and IPChain Association on Telegram, Instagram and Facebook. The next series on how quarantine helped Newton streamline the laws of physics is about to be released soon.

Based on the TASS materials.