Belarus: persons and events (Salamakha Uladzimir Petrovich)

22 march 2024


Uladzimir Petrovich Salamakha was born on March 24, 1949 in the village of Beresnevka, Kirov district, Mogilev region. After graduating from Skachkovo secondary school of Kirau district (1966) he got a job as a proofreader in the editorial office of the district newspaper «Zara» (since 1969 it was called «Kirovets»). In 1968-1970 he served in the army. In 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University. Worked as a senior editor of the Belarusian State Committee on Cinematography (1975-1983). Since 1983 - in the magazine «Yunost».

Since 2003, U. Salamakha has been the deputy director of the «Literature and Art» editorial and publishing institution, since 2004 he has been the editor-in-chief of the magazine «Hedgehog», since 2008 - the publishing house «Belarusian Encyclopedia named after Petrus Brovka». Since 2010, he has been working as an editor of the prose department in the magazine «Polymya». Member of the Writers' Union of Belarus (since 1982).

The first short stories of U. Salamakha, «Near Far Shore», «Yumenova's House» were published in 1977 in the magazine «Youth». The first collection «On the edge of joy» was published in 1980. Many early works were signed under the pseudonyms U. Dobasnyansky, M. Pechan, U. Berasnievsky, U. Berasnevich, U. Mastkovsky. He is the author of the collections «Tomorrow on the road» (1985), «A piece of forest bylynka» (1988), «The warmth of someone else's heart» (1990), «The ghost in the leather chair» (1994), «The identity of a man is recognized...» ( 1998), «On the Eve» (2001), «Where there is loneliness and joy...» (2010), «And there is no other person's way» (2014; National Literary Award, 2015). The stories and short stories of U. Salamakha are imbued with deep psychologism. The heroes are contemporaries of the author who are looking for their place in life.

Uladzimir Salamakha's creative achievement was the short story «Live for three days», written by the writer at the beginning of his literary career. The image of the main character Olga turned out to be extremely true and convincing. According to some literary researchers, this is «one of the best works of the «small genre» about the Great Patriotic War.» U.P. Salamakha is the author of essays «Woodcutters», «On my land», «Earthly symbols», «On the green rays of Birches», «Every person has his own river» and others. Many of them are real anthems of the Motherland. The author writes about nature, he is concerned about the preservation of ecological balance on earth. Some prose works of the writer have been translated into Russian, Ukrainian, Estonian and other languages. He wrote scripts for documentaries and cartoons.

U.Salamakha is also known as a talented publicist. He wrote many articles on literature, created literary portraits of many Belarusian and Russian writers (A. Grachanikov, U. Damashevich, V. Gardzei, Y. Zaretskaya, M. Gribov, Y. Sipakov, etc.). He is the author of reviews of books by contemporary Belarusian writers. As a result of fruitful work in the field of criticism and literary studies, the book of literary journalism and reviews «Called and Chosen» (1999), collections «The World of Kindness» (2005) and «Literature: Remains True» (2014) were published, which included essays, articles and dialogues. In 1985 and 1987 - laureate of the Inter-Republican journalism competition, in which writers and journalists from Belarus and abroad took part.

Based on the materials of the National Library of Belarus

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Photo: NCIP