Uladzimir Rabavolau: There is a stabilization of applicant activity on the part of national applicants of the Republic of Belarus

8 november 2023


The V International Scientific and Practical Conference «Intellectual Rights: Challenges of the XXI Century»is taking place in Tomsk on November 7-9, 2023. Uladzimir Rabavolau, Director General of the National Center of Intellectual Property, delivered a report «On the State of the Intellectual Property System of the Republic of Belarus at the Current Stage» within the framework of the online event, where he touched upon various issues and challenges faced by rightholders and the patent office, as well as spoke about legislative changes and current trends in this area.

The platform of this event became a meeting place for science, education, business and representatives of public authorities for constructive discussion and search for effective solutions.

The conference addresses the following issues: development of the Eurasian patent system, creativity and artificial intelligence, intellectual property and competition law tools, judicial practice on intellectual rights protection.

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Photo: NCIP