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4 March 2024

Belarusian experts in the field of copyright and related rights protection can familiarize themselves with the results of a WIPO-supported study on the technical, legal and judicial aspects of illegal retransmission of live streaming broadcasts on the Internet.

The following components of the study may be of particular interest:

  • a thorough examination of the nature of illegal retransmission of live broadcasts and the challenges it poses to broadcasters, event organizers and the entertainment sector;
  • analyze issues regarding existing copyright or related rights protection for live streamed content and/or broadcast separately from the main content;
  • explanation of the types of copyright and related rights protection existing in national systems;
  • exploring the various licenses required for a broadcaster to comply with copyright law and obtain the necessary rights from content owners;
  • consideration of the different models used without authorization for streaming when retransmitting live broadcasts.

The researchers summarize that detecting and verifying content illegally broadcast via real-time streaming is a time-consuming process. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the lack of a proactive and timely approach to enforcement has allowed unauthorized streaming to become significant, encouraging the illegal distribution of copyrighted content on the Internet.

You can read the full version of the document in English here, and the summary in Russian here.

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