Authorship of the neural network. Issues of legal regulation

17 april 2024


The article by Olga Bocharova (candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines of the Russian State Social University) «Authorship of the neural network. Issues of legal regulation» was published in the first issue of the journal «Intellectual Property in Belarus».

The article discusses the topic of artificial intelligence, the use of voice synthesis technologies for dubbing books and advertising, the legal nature of images created by the neural network in the field of artistic creativity, and the problem of the lack of legal regulation in the field of creating works using the neural network. Approaches to determining the authorship of the neural network and options for resolving this issue at the legislative level are analyzed.

You can familiarize yourself with the material, as well as purchase previously published issues, by subscribing to the journal «Intellectual Property in Belarus» (subscription indexes in Belpochta catalogs: 009212 (departmental), 00921 (individual)):

Individuals can subscribe to the PDF version of the journal on the website of OOO «Electronic Systems and Services»

More information about the journal at the link.

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Photo: Alena Vasilenko