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1 April 2024

The first issue of the journal «Intellectual Property in Belarus» published an article by Tatsiana Svidzinskaya (Head of the Information and Analysis Division of the National Center of Intellectual Property ) and Yuliya Kaznacheeva (Specialist of Information and Analysis Division of the National Center of Intellectual Property ) «Some economic aspects related to creation of the Eurasian system of trademarks legal protection».

The article considers the functioning of the international system of trademark registration based on the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement. It analyzes the applicant activity for trademark registration in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. Based on the data obtained, the authors assessed the impact of the Eurasian system of legal protection of trademarks and service marks on the existing registration procedures.

To get acquainted with the material, as well as to purchase previously published issues you can subscribe to the journal «Intellectual Property in Belarus» (subscription indexes in the catalogs of «Belpochta»: 009212 (departmental), 00921 (individual)):

Individuals can subscribe to the PDF version of the journal on the website of OOO «Electronic Systems and Services»

More information about the journal at the link.

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Photo: Alena Vasilenko